Journeyman journo

For everything there is a season, And a time for every matter under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to love, and a time to hate, A time for war, and a time for peace. --Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Software Dodos?

A great rant by Katie Lucas over redundancy in software sector.

"Why would you want a great developer to become a manager in the first place?"
Well, this particular developer is becoming a manager for the following reason:

Job requirements for engineers have an alphabet soup attached to them. I've been rejected for jobs because the version of Sybase I last used is too old, and this is for a role where SQL isn't even the core requirement. The SQL standard hasn't changed, but agents can't figure that out - they just want people who've used the latest version of Sybase.

I get turned down for UNIX dev roles because the version of VB I've used isn't the latest -- because they add a VB background to all the dev position requirements, and it's got the be the latest version of VB.

I've just got bored of having my technical skills outdated every six months. If I take my eye off the ball and Microsoft announces a technology and I don't immediately ram it into my CV or pick the wrong job, a year later I'm near unemployable.

I'm fed up of my career being this bizarre stamp collecting exercise where I get judged on how many of the acronyms I've been near lately and not whether I've gained any deep experience in anything.

Frankly, I'm getting too old to play this stupid game anymore. No-one wants to hire a software engineer with a decade of experience to start work in C#. They'll train 2 year experienced people to use C#, but if you've got more experience than that, you better show up with experience in C# because any other experience you have is irrelevant.

I'm tired of my entire experience being torn up and thrown away every couple of years because agents and HR departments can't figure out that a developer who can write C++ can also write C# and Java with very little training -- but what can you expect? These are guys who think Visual C++ isn't the same language as C++.

I looked at being a tech writer. I quite like writing -- I've got a background in creative writing, it's something I quite like, and I've done tech writing around IT projects before. Unfortunately, although I've written stuff and studied writing and so on, I'm not qualified to be a tech writer because the version of PageMaker I last used is too old... I suddenly have these visions of people saying to a re-incarnated Dickens "Look, you've only used quills. What the hell kind of writer are you? We're only considering people with experience with Biros version 4 or above."

I've noticed that things like "Project manager" experience doesn't get thrown away in the same way. No-one says "Oh, but that was a year ago. We manage projects COMPLETELY differently now. That experience doesn't count", whereas they do with, say, SQL. It's like SQL is a whole new langauge with each version of Oracle.

Apparently, being a successful software engineer currently means that you pick a tech, ram some experience on your CV and then bail after a couple of years before that becomes "old tech". Every couple of years you need to pick a technology (which probably hasn't actually shipped at that stage) and bet on it. And you must bet right every time. You never gain deep experience because that would mean missing an acronym off your CV and who knows when you'd need the acronym.

I've been offered two jobs; one will get me a PM background. One will get me a bundle of technologies. The latter is a good role, but how can I tell if those technologies will leave me employable in two years time? They might be completely outdated by then and useless and irrelevant like my experience with SQL on Oracle 8.
It'll get me a couple of years of Java, for example. But how can I tell if Java will still be an employable skill in 2007? I mean, I've got Java at the moment, but no hope of a job using it, because I don't also have J2EE and anyway the Java I did was 1.1 and everyone's after people with experience in newer versions...

Apparently I have no worthwhile experience to show for 10 years in the business because everything's the wrong version or doesn't have the right condiments or is just a tool no-one uses anymore. Any actual background I've got in things like "being an engineer who gets software written" is irrelevant. It's like assessing a builder on whether they've used Black and Decker tools and not on whether their houses are still standing. Or like assessing Dickens' writing skills by the fact he used quills and not biros.

Soft skills like PM don't get outdated by FUD from Microsoft. They don't come with version numbers which can drift out of date.

Really, they're the only alternative if you're the sort of person who can't assume you'll bet on the "right" technology every two years for the rest of your life. So this developer is becoming a manager just so that I can start building an experience history to remain employable with, because I'm fed up of fighting hard to keep even a couple of years of "relevant" background on my CV.

[As a complete side note, reading the job pages in the paper I came across an advert for a "housing policy officer". Now, bear in mind 'm used to adverts which say "Reqd Skills; C++, UNIX, Windows, VB, MFC, ASP, STL, ATL, Multithreaded, C#, .net, CVS, ClearCase " This one said "You should have a higher-second or first degree and a track record of generating effective housing policies."

Wow. Pay was pretty much a match for being a software engineer.


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